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Book and Film Reviews

Movie Review:

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

By Julia Olachea

     The Force Awakens is the seventh of the six Star Wars movies that have captivated audiences for years since 1977. The movie takes place many years after what was thought to be the final battle, where good finally conquered evil. However, in the The Force Awakens, you learn that there is yet another threat, the First Order. You follow a rouge trouper, Fin, the robot BB-8 and Rey throughout the whole galaxy to find the Resistance and bring valuable information about the long-lost hero Luke Skywalker. During their journey, they have to deal with death-defying challenges that test their endurance and their loyalty to the Resistance. They also meet up with some of the old favorites from the past, Han Solo and Chewbacca. Together, they all work to take down the First Order and bring peace back to the galaxy.

     This movie is very good and there are many plot twists that make the movie interesting.  Out on Blu-Ray and DVD now, sci-fi fans should definitely add this to their must see list.

Movie Review:  Ride Along 2

By Keian Lee

In the movie Ride Along 2, starring Kevin Hart as Ben Barber and Ice Cube as James Payton, the two travel to Miami to do a major drug bust in time for Ben to marry James' sister. In my opinion, the movie wasn't as funny as the first one.  It did have a better storyline and plot than Ride Along.  However, humorous moments were lacking. I would recommend this movie to any Kevin Hart fan.

Book Review:  Asylum by Madelaine Roux

By Becca Sheets

The first book in the thrilling series, Asylum, by Madeleine Roux, is about sixteen year old Dan Crawford. Dan is attending a New Hampshire college prep program for the summer. He is excited about the idea of making new friends, but when he arrives he finds that his dorm is located in what used to be an insane asylum. When he and his new-found friends explore the asylum that will be their home for the summer, they soon discover secrets from the building’s hidden past. Secrets that refuse to stay hidden. Asylum is a thrilling and horrifying page turner, with real photos from actual abandoned asylums. It’s full of mystery and suspense that will leave you wanting to read more.

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