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The Funnies

"Fur Babies"

By: Lexys Weese


Before I even begin to upload the comics, I’m going to give you all a little more information about my fur babies. Peggy (Pegasus) is an eight year old, full blooded, red-nosed American Pit Bull. She has a red saddle style fur pattern with white socks and a fat, white belly. She is filled with nothing but love and is happy to kiss everyone, unless you’re a cat; then you're food. Chico is a four year-old Chihuahua that believes he is a Pit Bull; he is filled with emotions and I believe he suffers from moodiness. The poor little thing will start to cry if you pick on him. In my house, there are exactly four dogs, three Pit Bulls and one Chihuahua. Peggy and Chico are my dogs. The other two Pit Bulls are my younger sister Haylee’s. The boy is named Zeus and is five months old and is white with black and brown spots. The baby girl is named Jasper and is 2 months old and has red brindle fur with a white belly and socks. They all love each other and are just one big loving pack.  

Peggy and Chico






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